Vulnerability inwards Azure AD Connect !!!

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After the End of Support for DirSync too Azure AD Sync this Apr too having a tight deadline that Azure AD volition halt accepting connections from DirSync too Azure AD Sync afterward Dec 31, 2017. Most Organisations already upgraded to Azure AD Connect.

If your Organization is upgraded to AzureAD Connect y'all become to a greater extent than enhanced features bundled amongst the product, too if y'all are client using "Password WriteBack" characteristic y'all need to aware close the novel Security vulnerability identified lately too cook it promptly earlier your environs gets impacted.

Microsoft released the novel safety advisory to inform customers that a novel version of Azure Active Directory (AD) Connect is available that addresses an Important safety vulnerability.

The update addresses a vulnerability that could allow elevation of privilege if Azure AD Connect Password writeback is misconfigured during enablement. An assaulter who successfully exploited this vulnerability could reset passwords too attain unauthorized access to arbitrary on-premises AD privileged user accounts.

The outcome is addressed inwards the latest version (1.1.553.0) of Azure AD Connect past times non allowing arbitrary password reset to on-premises AD privileged user accounts.

More information is available inwards the Security Advisory Article : Microsoft Security Advisory 4033453 - Vulnerability inwards Azure AD Connect Could Allow Elevation of Privilege

Review the article too validate whether your environs is impacted too perform the Remediation steps promptly, Even if your Organization is non impacted Microsoft recommends Organisations to role the latest version of Azure AD Connect.

If y'all cannot perform the upgrade right now, follow the Mitigation steps provided inwards the article to cook the issue.

If y'all are planning for an upgrade to the latest version (1.1.553.0) of Azure AD Connect, too y'all are using OU-based filtering be certain to review the below liberate history article too perform the outlined steps every bit the upgrade does non bear forrad OU filtering settings if non laid correctly during the upgrade process.

Review here: Azure AD Connect: Version liberate history - 1.1.553.0


H5N1 New version of Azure AD Connect (1.1.557.0) is directly released, Review the documentation below

Review here: Azure AD Connect: Version liberate history - 1.1.557.0

Note: This construct is non available to customers through the Azure AD Connect Auto Upgrade feature.So y'all need to perform a manual install.

To know to a greater extent than close Auto Upgrade characteristic review the below Excellent Blog post from MVP Jeff Guillet

Understanding Auto-Upgrade Options inwards Azure AD Connect


H5N1 New version of Azure AD Connect (1.1.614.0) is directly released amongst around nifty features that includes back upwards for a novel installation trend called Use Existing Database. This installation trend allows customers to install Azure AD Connect that specifies an existing ADSync database

Review here: Install Azure AD Connect using an existing ADSync database

Stay tuned for to a greater extent than updates...

Blog, Updated at: October 20, 2017

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